ST1450 SMART – Kylinkubator, 1460 liter

Termostatiskt kabinett med kyla/värme. BOD-Inkubator. Kylinkubator. 1460 liter

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ST1450 Smart – Kylinkubator volym 1460 liter

Technical data Smart

air convection forced
chamber capacity [l] 1540
working capacity [l] 1525
controller microprocessor PID
display 4,3″ full colour touch screen
temperature range [°C] +3…+40 / +70 (opcja)
temperature resolution every … [°C] 0,1
temperature fluctuation at 37°C [+/-°C]* 0,3
temperature variation at 37°C [+/-°C]* 1,0
temperature protection class 1.0 to DIN 12880 / class 3.3 (option)
door type solid / glass or double (option) /4/
B Smart aluminium
C Smart stainless steel to DIN 1.4016
CS Smart stainless steel to DIN 1.4016
P Smart DIN 1.4301
PS Smart DIN 1.4301
B Smart powder coated sheet
C Smart powder coated sheet
CS Smart stainless steel polished
P Smart powder coated sheet
PS Smart stainless steel polished
overall dims [mm] /1/
width A 1440
height B 1940
depth C 1060
internal dims [mm]
width D 1270
width D’ 1340
height E 1460
depth F 780
height I 1380
shelves (standard | max) 2 x 3 | 11
max shelf workload [kg] /2/ 30
– reinforced shelf version (PW) [kg] /3/ 100
max unit workload [kg] 300
weight [kg] 200
voltage** 230V 50-60Hz
nominal power [W] 950
refrigerant R290 / GWP=3
warranty 24 months
manufacturer POL-EKO

all the above technical data refer to standard units (without optional accessories)
* – fluctuation measured in centre of the chamber; in space, variation (K) calculated for chamber as:
K= +/- (T average max. – T average min. ) / 2
** – other power supplies on request
1 – depth doesn’t include 50 mm of power cable, the width does not include the 20 mm of rubber plug
2 – on uniformly loaded surface
3 – reinforced shelf
4 – additional internal glass door

Technical data Smart PRO

air convection forced
chamber capacity [l] 1540
working capacity [l] 1525
controller microprocessor PID
display 7″ full colour touch screen
temperature range [°C] +3…+70
temperature resolution every … [°C] 0,1
temperature fluctuation at 37°C [+/-°C]* 0,3
temperature variation at 37°C [+/-°C]* 1,0
temperature protection class 3.3 to DIN 12880
door type solid / glass or double (option) /4/
P Smart PRO DIN 1.4301
PS Smart PRO DIN 1.4301
P Smart PRO powder coated sheet
PS Smart PRO stainless steel polished
overall dims [mm] /1/
width A 1440
height B 1940
depth C 1060
internal dims [mm]
width D 1270
width D’ 1340
height E 1460
depth F 780
height I 1380
shelves (standard | max) 2 x 3 | 11
max shelf workload [kg] /2/ 30
– reinforced shelf version (PW) [kg] /3/ 100
max unit workload [kg] 300
weight [kg] 200
voltage** 230V 50-60Hz
nominal power [W] 950
refrigerant R290 / GWP=3
warranty 24 months
manufacturer POL-EKO

all the above technical data refer to standard units (without optional accessories)
* – fluctuation measured in centre of the chamber; in space, variation (K) calculated for chamber as:
K= +/- (T average max. – T average min. ) / 2
** – other power supplies on request
1 – depth doesn’t include 50 mm of power cable, the width does not include the 20 mm of rubber plug
2 – on uniformly loaded surface
3 – reinforced shelf
4 – additional internal glass door

Produktblad – Kylinkubator Pol-Eko ST1450 SMART
Produktblad – Kylinkubator Pol-Eko ST1450 SMART PRO
Pol-Eko komplett produktkatalog



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