LyoBeta Mini frystorkar

Mini frystorkar

Artikelnr: TE-LyoBetaMini Kategori:

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LyoBeta Mini frystorkar

The LyoBeta is a freeze drying unit designed for biological, pharmaceutical and food product formulation and “scale up” work, facilitating transfer technology to the R&D centres and production. It is a high performance unit with a GLP design, which allows for performing the entire freeze drying process fully automatically as well as accurately monitoring it.

Lyobeta Mini possibilities of controlling freeze-drying process makes understanding of key parameters a very valuable tool for the up-scaling of the process at stages close to production. Lyobeta Mini offers similar features to bigger units using minimum space in research laboratories

The Lyobeta Mini is manufactured as a benchtop, one self-standing unit, saving as much space as possible in your facility. It is built with top quality materials and components, applying advanced techniques as you would expect from Telstar.

The chamber and condenser as well as all the other subsystems (refrigeration compressors, etc.) are housed inside an oven-dried enamel steel enclosure, placed on swiveling casters. The vacuum pump is located outside the main enclosure.

Telstar freeze-dryers are tested completely in our factory in real working conditions and its compact design and construction gives an easy installation and commissioning at site.

The LyoBeta Mini unit allows fully automatically processing of a complete freeze drying cycle according to specific profiles. The process recipes are easily edited on the touch-screen, or the LyoSuite SCADA software, and run in automatic, semiautomatic or manual modes. At any moment, the automatic mode can be switched off, held, restarted or switched over to semiautomatic or manual modes.

Designed thinking on GLP basic research & development

  • The unit’s design offers outstanding performance for technology transfer activities and work in advanced R&D centres.
  • Unit suitable for laboratories: compact unit mounted on casters, easy to install.
  • Easy recipe development: quality and adaptation of the temperature sensors (shelf, product and condenser) and vacuum. Temperature, pressure and time control system.
  • Recipe optimization capability. Possibility of thermodynamic control and pressure rise test with the isolation valve.
  • Reliability of results: temperature uniformity (shelf flatness, high quality components, upper radiation shelf), shelf heating and cooling rates (1°C/min), etc.
  • Flexible use: high capacity for working with bulk materials, option to attach manifolds. In addition there are  different sizes and types of vials.
  • Robustness: laboratory equipment with industrial finish (easy to clean, stainless steel chamber, condenser and plates) and industrial components (sensors, vacuum pump, exchangers, etc.).
  • Reliable operation: non-proprietary control system via PLC (Siemens).
  • Flexible use: with a touch screen user interface.
  • Option to save developed cycles and export data to other platforms (Excel) with the LyoLogger data acquisition software.
  • Possibility to carry out optimization studies for new formulae (scale up), with Scada LyoLab software, providing extensive documentation for technology transfer (optional).

Optimized technical features

  • Small footprint, easy and accessible Human Machine Interface.
  • Higher capacity/surface rate.
  • Option of chamber and condenser isolation.
  • Different equipment access levels.
  • Wide shelves temperature control; all vials/sample have a uniform temperature condition.
  • Flexible shelf area.
  • Pressure monitoring control.
  • Allowing break of chamber vacuum in chamber.
  • Customization of equipment.
  • Easy access to all areas of the condenser.
  • Optional components for greater monitoring and controlling of the process.

Accessories & Options

  • Venting HEPA filter
  • Clean room configuration
  • Vacuum control system with controlled leak
  • Eutectic point monitor
  • Capacitance manometer
  • SCADA LyoSuiteTM control software
  • LYOMETRICS – sublimation front temperature monitoring
  • LYONUC – nucleation software
  • End-point detector via residual humidity probe
  • Sample thief
  • IQ+OQ qualification
  • Loading trays
  • Spacers for changing distances

Key Features

  • Compact unit mounted on casters
  • Easy to install
  • Touch screen user interface
  • LyoLogger data acquisition software

Technical Specifications

Number of shelves (max.) 2
Shelf dimensions (WxD) 400 x 225 mm
Usable shelf area (max) 0.18 m2
Shelf temperature range -55 to +70°C
Condenser capacity 5.5 kg
Final condenser temperature -83 ±3°C
Weight 200 kg
Dimensions (WxDxH) 941x755x630 mm

Produktblad – LyoBeta Mini frystorkar


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