LyoAlfa frystorkar

LyoAlfa frystorkar

Artikelnr: TE-Lyoalfa Kategori:

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LyoAlfa frystorkar

LyoAlfa laboratorie frystork passar speciellt för forskningscenter som kräver större frystorkningskapacitet. Den här frystorken kommer som en konsoll och är monterad på hjul vilken gör den enkel att installera. Enheten är väldigt felxibel, tillåter samtidig frystorkning av flaskor, vialer eller bulkprodukter genom påkoppling av olika förgreningar (manifold) och/eller kammare.

The LyoAlfa laboratory freeze dryer comes in 2 configurations:

  • LyoAlfa 15 -55, with a final condenser temperature of -53 ±3°C.
  • LyoAlfa 15 -85, with a final condenser temperature of -83 ±3°C. This enables a higher freeze drying speed and is much more suitable for working with biological samples or products with very low eutectic or collapse points.

The unit comes with a two-stage vacuum pump located inside the console.

All the critical parts are made out of AISI 316L stainless steel.

The easy-to-use control system can display the condenser temperature and the vacuum level at all times, as well as enabling adjustment of the shelf temperature when coupled to a drying chamber.

The LyoAlfa can be supplemented with a wide range of accessories such as the heated vial closing chamber, heated bulk product chamber, 8 or 16 connection manifold, auxiliary chamber for direct connection to the manifold, etc.

The unit comes in a standard configuration with RS232 interface for connection to a PC via suitable monitoring Lyologger software.

Designed thinking on basic research

  • Unit suitable for laboratories: easy to install.
  • Technical reliability and excellent performance: 22 kg condenser capacity.
  • Flexible to use; option for adapter manifolds; option for connection of different types of chambers.
  • Robustness: solidly designed laboratory equipment. On a functional level cooling management ensures optimum performance. Easy to clean. Chamber in stainless steel.
  • Flexible use: with a touch screen user interface.
  • Double stage vacuum pump with gas ballast and safety valve to isolate the pump from the system, avoiding oil back streaming. An exhaust filter is included in the pump.
  • Refrigerating system. Cascade system. Coil type condenser. The system includes two hermetic compressors with cascade mounting and suitable safety devices. Refrigerating fluids are CFC free.
  • Control unit with digital display and friendly user touch screen.

Optimized technical features

  • Easy to start-up and use; plug and play freeze-dryer; simple electrical connection to the network.
  • Condenser at -53 ±3°C and -83 ±3°C. Total condenser capacity: more than 22kg.
  • Heating system for the shelves included up to 70°C.
  • System control by PLC  + touch-screen;
  • Features: condenser temperature, shelves temperature, 2 product temperatures, pressure value, process time, alarms & events, recipes, user friendly interface.
  • Air cooled for compressors.
  • Vacuum pump inside the cabinet.

Accessories & Options

  • Chamber with thermostatic trays and vial closing
  • Chamber with thermostatic trays for bulk material
  • 8 connection manifold
  • 16 connection manifold
  • 40 connector manifold for small bottles
  • Various bottles and flasks
Produktblad – LyoAlfa frystorkar


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