ULTF-C74i ATEX – Frysbox, med solid dörr, -20°/-86°C 74 liter

ULTF-C74i ATEX – Frysbox, med solid dörr, -20°/-86°C 74 liter


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ULTF-C74i ATEX – Frysbox, med solid dörr, -20°/-86°C 74 liter

-20°C to -86°C Ultra Low temperature freezer

The chest design is an economical choice, that preserves cold well due to the horizontal lid.

Featuring the ETR-System™ (Extended Temperature Range) the unit can operate within -20°C to -86°C, giving you flexibility to adjust the cooling to your specific needs, or to save energy reducing both operation costs & carbon emission. Our biomedical appliances offer a reliable solution for users seeking industry leading cooling performance and high operation stability.

Complexity made simple

With the i-Care controller it has become much easier to access information, change settings, extract data and more. The controller features a 5 inch touchscreen with intuitive icons and easy to navigate menus. The i-Care controller makes complexity simple.

Info center

Information is key to ensure proper storage of medicine & biological samples. The new i-Care series features a build-in datalogger, a live temperature graph and an event list, all of which provide you with a quick overview of the condition that your content is being stored at. The i-Care series gives you the information you need, to document the storage conditions of your content.


–    ATEX

Dimension & construction

Dimension 921x550x550 HxWxD mm
Dimension inner 450x390x390 HxWxD mm
Weight 73 / 50 gross/net
Package weight 24 kg
Material inner cabinet Painted steel Kg. gross/net
Material outer cabinet Painted steel Kg. gross/net
Insulation type Polyurethane with cyclopentane
Insulation thickness 50 mm
Type of packaging Wooden box with a wooden pallet
Mobility 4x casters with brakes


Volume 74 / 71 Gross/net
Cryoboxes “2 40
2 ml vials 4.000


LED light
Battery backup
Porthole size 12,5 mm
Dry contact
Vacuum valve
VIP (Vacuum Insulated Panel)


High / Low temperature
Open door
Power failure
Probe failure

Operating conditions

Voltage 220 V
Frequence 50 Hz
Max ambient 30 °C
Max Humidity 65 %
Test condition 20 °C


Temperature range -20 to -86 °C
Unifromity in performance 0,9 °C
Pull dowm time (from test condition to fabric setpoint) 72 Minutes
Hold over time (from fabric SP to critical point) 64 Minutes
Noise 54 dB
Energy 24 hours 5,3 kWh/24h
Energy year 1943 kWh/anno
Instant Power Consumption PD 0,540 – 0,320 / Stable 0,340 kW
Heat Rejection 370 W
K-Value 0,19 W/m^2k

Cooling components

Refrigerant/amount Nature R 2 / 121 Type & gram
Number of compressors 1
Variable speed compressor
Internal air distribution (Type) Static
Evaporator fan
Condensor fan
Number of probes 1


Controller i-CARE
USB Connection Yes
Data connection MODBUS
Controller abilities Logging of data & alarms, touch screen
Controller languages EN, DE, FR
Log numbers More than a year
Temperature graph in controller
Produktblad – Frysbox VestFrost ULTF-C74i
Produktkatalog – VestFrost



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