Capp – ExpellPlus individually wrapped tips

ExpellPlus individually wrapped tips

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Capp – ExpellPlus individually wrapped tips

CAPP ExpellPlus individually wrapped tips are exceptionally sterile liquid handling tools designed for scientists working with sensitive samples. Each tip is compliant with the most stringent aseptic requirements and is supplied in sterile packaging. ExpellPlus individually wrapped tips are manufactured from CAPP’s unique plastic polymer composition which significantly reduces sample adhesion by maximizing tip hydrophobicity. This translates to superior levels of accuracy and reproducible volumes across different pipetting cycles.


  • Sterile and certified free of common biological contaminants including Endotoxins,
    DNA, DNases, RNases, and PCR inhibitors
  • Superior volume accuracy and reproducibility for dependable pipetting results
  • A range of volume capacities to cater for the most common pipetting applications
    (10/200/1000-1250 µL)
  • Each individual wrap has trackable batch numbers and expiration dates for
    transparency and accountability
  • Universal compatibility with CAPP’s extensive range of pipettes as well as pipettes
    from other leading brands

Cat. No. Description
5030012C ExpellPlus 10 µL, pre-sterile, clear, bag, 5×400 pcs. Individually wrapped tips
5030042C ExpellPlus 10/20 µL XL, pre-sterile, long, clear, bag, 5×400 pcs. Individually wrapped tips
5030072C ExpellPlus 200 µL, pre-sterile, clear, bag, 5×400 pcs. Individually wrapped tips
5130132C Expell 1000 µL (1250 µL), pre-sterile, clear, bag, 5×200 pcs. Individually wrapped tips


Produktblad – Capp – ExpellPlus individually wrapped tips
Produktkatalog – Consumables CAPP




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