Capp – Capp ExpellPlus – Spetsar med lågt motstånd

Pipettspetsar med lågt motstånd

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Capp – Capp ExpellPlus – Spetsar med lågt motstånd

CAPP ExpellPlus low retention pipette tips have ultra-smooth inner surface, reducing sample binding to the absolute minimum. Thanks to the composition of the PP material used by the production of ExpellPlus low retention tips and the high quality Swiss molds, on which the tips are being manufactured, the low binding properties of CAPP tips are achieved without the use of any surface additives. ExpellPlus low binding tips are the perfect choice for volumes below 1mL and for all applications requiring ultimate precision. CAPP ExpellPlus low retention tips are manufactured in a clean-room facility and are all RNase, DNase and Pyrogen free certified and sterile. Below picture shows a comparison of the liquid remaining after dispensing in standard tips (to the left) and CAPP low retention pipette tips (to the right). ExpellPlus low binding tips are universally compatible with the majority of other pipette brands

Cat. No. Description
5030030C ExpellPlus 10µl, pre-sterile w/ filter, hinged racks, 5x10x96 pcs
5030060C ExpellPlus 10/20µl XL, pre-sterile w/ filter, hinged racks, 5x10x96 pcs
5030061C ExpellPlus 10/20µl XL, Extra Narrow, pre-sterile w/ filter, hinged racks, 5x10x96 pcs
5030062C ExpellPlus 20µl, pre-sterile w/ filter, hinged racks, 5x10x96 pcs
5030066C ExpellPlus 100µl, pre-sterile w/ filter, hinged racks, 5x10x96 pcs
5030090C ExpellPlus 200µl, pre-sterile w/ filter, hinged racks, 5x10x96 pcs
5030115C ExpellPlus 300µl, pre-sterile w/ filter, hinged racks, 5x10x96 pcs
5030010C ExpellPlus 10ul, clear, bag, 20×1000 pcs.
5030020C ExpellPlus 10µl, pre-sterile, hinged racks, 5x10x96 pcs.
5030040C ExpellPlus 10µl XL, clear, bag, 20×1000 pcs.
5030041C ExpellPlus 10/20µl XL, Extra Narrow, clear, bag, 20×1000 pcs.
5030050C ExpellPlus 10µl XL, pre-sterile, hinged racks, 5x10x96 pcs.
5030051C ExpellPlus 10/20µl XL, Extra Narrow, pre-sterile, hinged racks, 5x10x96 pcs.
5030070C ExpellPlus 200µl, clear, bag, 30×1000 pcs.
5030080C ExpellPlus 200µl, pre-sterile, hinged racks, 5x10x96 pcs.
5030150C ExpellPlus 1000 µl, pre-sterile w/filter, hinged racks, 4x8x96 pcs.
5030123C ExpellPlus 1250µl XL, pre-sterile w/filter, hinged racks, 4x8x96 pcs.
5030130C ExpellPlus 1000 µl (1250 µl), clear, bag, 20×500 pcs.
Produktblad – Capp – ExpellPlus – Spetsar med lågt motstånd
Produktkatalog – Consumables CAPP



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