Eppendorf – Tubes® 5.0 mL IVD

Tubes® 5.0 mL IVD

Artikelnr: EP-Tubes®-5.0-mL-IVD Kategori:

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Eppendorf – Tubes® 5.0 mL IVD

Eppendorf Tubes 5.0 mL – the »missing link«! This product represents the perfect option for working with medium–sized sample volumes. It fills the gap between existing tube formats and enables the simple and safe processing of sample volumes up to 5.0 mL.

Eppendorf Tubes are the benchmark for simple and safe sample preparation from 0.5 to 2.0 mL. For larger volumes, 15 mL and 50 mL conical tubes are available. With medium sample volumes you may face an issue: they need to be processed with large conical screw cap tubes – impractical, inconvenient and often prone to contamination. Eppendorf now offers the »missing link«: the Eppendorf Tubes® 5.0 mL. This product fills the gap between existing tube versions and enables the simple and safe processing of sample volumes up to 5.0 mL!
Eppendorf Tubes® 5.0 mL
Eppendorf Tubes® 5.0 mL

Not all consumables are created equal!

Substances which are released from plastic consumables (leachables) may have an influence on laboratory experiments. When they absorb light in the UV range they can disrupt DNA and protein quantifications. The Eppendorf Tube 5.0 mL is manufactured without the use of slip agents, plasticizers and biocides –substances that have been shown to affect bio–assays and laboratory measurements– and thus offers a safe alternative for sample preparation and storage. Graph: Shown are UV absorbance spectra of pure water incubated (30  min. 90 °C) in tubes from different manufacturers. Data shown in the diagram were generated with 5.0 mL snap cap format – for additional information and protocol description please see Application Note 264.

Eppendorf Tubes® 5.0 mL

Eppendorf – Tubes® 5.0 mL IVD

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Instructions for use – Tubes and Tubes 5.0 mL (IVD)
Eppendorf produktkatalog


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