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Preventive Maintenance

Labteamet offers a choice of preventive maintenance services and service agreement options for consistent instrument performance and confidence in safety.

LabTeamet service all brands of CO2 incubators.

New: Global CO2 Incubator Service Agreements from cost-efficient to all-inclusive care packages for easier service process, maximized uptime, and peace of mind!

  • “AdvancedCare” includes a full annual preventive maintenance service program for assured instrument reliability and uptime; 20 % discount on parts, labor and travel; 10 % discount on additional services (e.g. IQ/OQ) during the agreement period
  • “PremiumCare” includes a full annual preventive maintenance service program for assured instrument reliability and uptime; parts, labor, and travel included, 10 % discount on additional services (e.g. IQ/OQ) during the agreement period
  • “Essential Check” includes a check of all fundamental functions of the product
  • “Advanced Maintenance” includes all preventive maintenance services to keep the instrument in accordance with the manufacturer specifications

Qualification Services

New: IQ/OQ GxP: For customers working in regulated environments we now offer our specifically created and revised Installation Qualification and Operational Qualification services including GxP compliant documentation. These provide you with qualified assurance that your instrument is not only functioning correctly, but also in accordance with manufacturers’ specifications.


CO2 Incubator Service Agreements

Service Agreement
Ordering Information
For assured instrument
reliability and uptime
For assured instrument reliability,
uptime and financial plannability
CO2 Incubator 0082 060 325 0082 060 320
S41i Incubator Shaker 0082 050 325 0082 050 320
Full preventive maintenance 1/year 1/year
Software update (during annual maintenance, if applicable)
Priority Support
Discount on parts, labor, travel 20 % included
Parts, labor & travel included
Discount on additional services (e.g. IQ/OQ) 10 % 10 %

Info: Our service offers may differ by country. Please contact your local service representative for more information.

CO2 Incubator Preventive Maintenance Services

Preventive Maintenance Services
Ordering Information
CO2 Incubator 0082 060 003 0082 060 004
External Checks and Maintenance
Check installation environment
Check electrical / gas supply and fittings
Replace in-line gas filter(s) and auto-zero filter
Check door seals and door hinges
Internal Equipment and Fittings
Check condition of all chamber gas, temperature, humidity sensors
Check security of incubator shelf / shelves and racking system
Check sensor covers are present and undamaged
Check condition of humidity trays
Check condition of wiring system, PCB’s, display, and controller
Check alarms functionality
Validation and Metrology
Validation and adjustment of operating parameters to within Eppendorf specifications
Check List provided
Dated service sticker to confirm Eppendorf service

Attn: This table lists only the most important service operations by plan. The provided service report will show the complete service operations performed.

Info: Our service offers may differ by country. Please contact your local service representative for more information.

S41i Incubator Shaker Preventive Maintenance Services

Preventive Maintenance Services
Ordering Information
S41i Incubator Shaker 0082 050 003 0082 050 004
External Checks and Maintenance
Check installation environment
Check electrical / gas supply and fittings
Replace in-line CO2 filter and auto-zero filter
Internal Equipment and Fittings
Check security of shaker platform(s) and flask holders
Check security of incubator shelf / shelves and racking system
Replace platform support post boot seals
Check condition of humidity trays
Check condition of shaker drive belt
Check condition of chamber CO2 and temperature sensors
Validation and Metrology
Validation and adjustment of operating parameters to within Eppendorf specifications
Check List provided
Dated service sticker to confirm Eppendorf service

Attn: This table lists only the most important service operations by plan. The provided service report will show the complete service operations performed.

Info: Our service offers may differ by country. Please contact your local service representative for more information.



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