CellXpert® C170i – Co2 inkubatorer, 170 liter

Co2 inkubatorer, 170 liter

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CellXpert® C170i – Co2 inkubatorer Volym 170 liter

CellXpert – a new family of Eppendorf CO2 incubators

Stay flexible for the future

› Upgrade your device later in your lab (e.g. door handle position)
› Advanced user interface for easy and complete control over parameter settings, monitoring, and documentation

CellXpert® C170i

Safety for your cells

› Uniform temperature with multiple sensors verified at 27 points (German Norm DIN 12880)
› Fast temperature and CO2 recovery in less than 5 minutes without overshoot
› Vibration and turbulence protection with fan-less design
› 180 ºC High Temperature Disinfection (HTD)

CellXpert® C170i

Save money

› Significantly reduced gas consumption with smart gas control
› Up to 25 % more usable space with fan-less design
› No recurring costs for internal replacement parts (HEPA filters, UV lamps etc.)

CellXpert® C170i

CellXpert® C170i – Co2 inkubatorer