Mini-P25 – Centrifuge
1. Quickly spin down droplets
2. Use before and after thermal cycling to increase PCR yield
3. Accepts skirted, non-skirted and all standard PCR plates
4. Less than 1/4 the size of most plate centrifuges
The compact and economical Mini-P25 Mini-Plate Centrifuge with two-position rotor is available for many applications . It can quickly spin down droplets and condensation and is for use before and after thermal cycling to improve PCR yield. It accepts skirted, non-skirted and all standard PCR plates making, and it is suitable for the molecular laboratory.
The compact and economical Mini-P25 Mini-Plate Centrifuge with two-position rotor is available for many
applications . It can quickly spin down droplets and condensation and is for use before and after thermal
cycling to improve PCR yield. It accepts skirted, non-skirted and all standard PCR plates making, and it is
suitable for the molecular laboratory.
Code Description
AS-08010-00 Mini-P25 Mini-Plate Centrifuge
Mini-P25 – Centrifuge

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