Eppendorf Fast PCR Tube Strips

Fast PCR Tube Strips

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Eppendorf Fast PCR Tube Strips

Eppendorf invented the microcentrifuge tube in 1963. Eppendorf tubes® have shown to be reliable companions for your daily work. The Eppendorf Fast PCR Tube Strips made of Polyethylene transfer heat faster than the tubes made of traditional plastics. The Fast PCR Tube Strips are particularly suited to scientists using Fast PCR Reagent Kits, scientists trying to speed up protocols or cyclers with high heating and cooling rates – such as the Eppendorf Mastercycler X50 family.

The Fast PCR Tube Strip allows scientists using Fast cyclers (such as the Mastercycler X50) and Fast enzymes to obtain higher PCR yield. This is achieved by the faster heat transfer from block to reaction, allowing for better control over the reaction. The Tube-strips are suitable for Fast end-point PCR and Real-Time PCR applications. The open format tube strip allows easy adoption and easy optimization.

Eppendorf Fast PCR Tube Strips

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Brochure – Absolute Tubes
Brochure – Master of Class
Brochure – Pick Your Match
Eppendorf Purity Grades Selection Guide
Eppendorf produktkatalog


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