Eppendorf DNA LoBind Tubes

DNA LoBind Tubes

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Eppendorf DNA LoBind Tubes

DNA LoBind Tubes maximize sample recovery of nucleic acids by significantly reducing sample–to–surface binding. The ideal solution for sample preparation and long-term storage of your precious samples!

DNA LoBind tubes maximize sample recovery of nucleic acids by significantly reducing sample–to–surface binding. A combination of special manufacturing technologies and selected polypropylene batches ensures nearly 100 % recovery of DNA/RNA molecules-without surface coating to eliminate the risk of sample contamination. DNA LoBind tubes are batch-tested and certified by an independent laboratory to be free from DNA, DNase, RNase, and PCR inhibitors. Eppendorf DNA LoBind tubes are ideal for sample preparation of long-term storage of nucleic acids in forensic, microarrays, NGS applications, and many others.

Eppendorf DNA LoBind

products are available in tube, microplate and deepwell plate formats to meet the different application needs for various sample volumes and throughput.

DNA LoBind Tubes

DNA recovery rate

after different incubation conditions DNA recovery rate (0.2 ng/µL DNA fragement (130 bp, 32P labeled) in 2.5 M NaCl/TE buffer) in Eppendorf DNA LoBind tubes compared to tubes from different suppliers. The Eppendorf DNA LoBind Tubes revealed up to 99 % sample recovery independent of the tested incubation temperature or time.

DNA LoBind Tubes

Application Note 226:

Use of Eppendorf LoBind® Tubes to consistently prepare and store standard panels for real–time PCR absolute quantifications. Adsorption of DNA to tube surfaces effects accuracy of real–time PCR results. The much higher DNA recovery from Eppendorf® DNA LoBind tubes leads to improved standard curves and subsequently more an accurate interpretation of DNA quantity in samples assayed. Image: Flowchart of DNA standard panels preparation. Genomic DNA stock solution was serial 10–fold diluted in either competitor’s low retention or Eppendorf DNA LoBind tubes. 22 µL aliquots of each dilution were stored for 24 hours at –80°C in either competitor’s low retention or Eppendorf DNA LoBind Tubes before real–time PCR assay. The PCR efficiency of the samples, which were prepared and stored in Eppendorf LoBind Tubes, was much higher – see Application Note 226 for more details.

DNA LoBind Tubes


Eppendorf DNA LoBind Tubes

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Brochure – Absolute Tubes
Eppendorf Purity Grades Selection Guide
Eppendorf produktkatalog


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