Eppendorf Conical Tubes 25 mL

Conical Tubes 15 mL and 50 mL

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Eppendorf Conical Tubes 25 mL

he Next Level – Eppendorf Conical Tubes 25 mL!
The latest member of the big Eppendorf Tube Family fills the gap between the volumes of traditional conical tubes of 15 mL and 50 mL. Optimized height, outstanding quality and specifications make these conical tubes ideally suited for cell biology e.g. for pooling media from T75 flasks, bacteria culture in midi prep size or overlapping applications like buffer preparation, storage and transport.
Discover the new Eppendorf Conical Tubes 25 mL! With the new Eppendorf Conical Tubes 25 mL, we take the field of conical tubes to the next level. When sample volumes higher than 15 mL but much lower than 50 mL must be prepared, centrifuged, mixed, or stored, researchers often have no choice but to use traditional conical screw cap tubes with a volume of either 15 mL or 50 mL. This dilemma is now resolved by the new Eppendorf Conical Tubes 25 mL. They have the same diameter as the 50 mL conical tube but are not as long. Thus the insertion depth of pipettes into the tube is much lower compared to a 50 mL conical tube. The new 25 mL tube is available with screw cap and also with the innovative SnapTec™ cap. This patented lid solution represents a unique snap cap within the conical tubes segment.Premium raw materials without the use of slip agents, plasticizers, and biocides during manufacturing ensure highest sample integrity. High centrifugation stability up to 17,000 x glid tightness from -86 °C up to 100 °C as well as optimal sample and pellet visibility are assured.Compatibility with existing laboratory periphery is given as this new Eppendorf tube has the same diameter as 50 mL conical tubes. System components like adapters for centrifugation, Eppendorf SmartBlock™, Test Tube Holder for MixMate®, storage box and single tube stand are available.

New cap design: flattened and grooved sides

› Supports a user-friendly, ergonomic handling (easy opening/closing) and one-handed operation
› Enables a stable upright positioning and thus minimizes contamination risk
› High-quality material and precision molding ensures a high tightness and minimizes sample loss

Eppendorf Conical Tubes 25 mL

High centrifugation stability

Enables shorter centrifugation times and ensures high safety for samples, user and equipment.

Eppendorf Conical Tubes 25 mL

“One for all”

A high purity grade makes the tubes suitable for sterile cell applications as well as for nucleic acid applications:
› Sterile & pyrogen-, DNase-, RNase-, and DNA-free (human & bacterial)
› Lot-individually tested and certified

Eppendorf Conical Tubes 25 mL




Eppendorf Conical Tubes 25 mL

25 mL, snap cap, Eppendorf Quality 25 mL, snap cap, PCR clean 25 mL, snap cap, sterile 25 mL, screw cap, Eppendorf Quality 25 mL, screw cap, PCR clean 25 mL, screw cap, sterile
Bottom shape conical conical conical conical conical conical
Centrifugation stability up to 17,000 x g1 up to 17,000 x g1 up to 17,000 x g1 up to 17,000 x g1 up to 17,000 x g1 up to 17,000 x g1
Color colorless colorless colorless colorless colorless colorless
Diameter 30 mm 30 mm 30 mm 30 mm 30 mm 30 mm
Light protection no no no no no no
Material tube and cap: polypropylene tube and cap: polypropylene tube and cap: polypropylene tube: polypropylene (raw material USP class 6), screw cap: high-density polyethylene (HDPE) tube: polypropylene (raw material USP class 6), screw cap: high-density polyethylene (HDPE) tube: polypropylene (raw material USP class 6), screw cap: high-density polyethylene (HDPE)
Max. RCF 17,000 × g 17,000 × g 17,000 × g 17,000 × g 17,000 × g 17,000 × g
Operating temperature -86 °C – 100 °C -86 °C – 100 °C -86 °C – 100 °C -86 °C – 100 °C -86 °C – 100 °C -86 °C – 100 °C
Packing 200 tubes (5 bags × 40 tubes) 200 tubes (5 bags × 40 tubes) 150 tubes (6 bags × 25 tubes) 200 tubes (4 bags × 50 tubes) 200 tubes (4 bags × 50 tubes) 200 tubes (8 bags × 25 tubes)
Purity grade(s) Eppendorf Quality™ PCR clean Sterile, pyrogen-, DNase-, RNase-, human and bacterial DNA-free Eppendorf Quality™ PCR clean Sterile, pyrogen-, DNase-, RNase-, human and bacterial DNA-free
Volume 25 mL 25 mL 25 mL 25 mL 25 mL 25 mL
1Test conditions: Rotor FA-45-6-30 in Eppendorf Centrifuge 5810 R (using a suitable centrifuge adapter for 15 mL tube), sample: saline solution (density: 1.0 g/mL), controlled centrifugation temp.: 25 °C, centrifugation time: 90 min
Brochure – Absolute Tubes
Brochure – The Next Level
Eppendorf produktkatalog
Eppendorf Purity Grades Selection Guide


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