Capp – Expell 0.2 mL PCR tube

Expell 0.2 mL PCR tube

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Capp –Expell 0.2 mL PCR tube 

CAPP Expell 0.2 mL PCR tubes are designed to fit the majority of standard PCR/qPCR thermocyclers operating with regular profile tubes. The 0.2 mL tubes from CAPP are 20.9-21.8 mm high and are available as individual tubes and strips of tubes with and without caps.  All CAPP 0.2 mL PCR tubes are DNA, DNase, RNA, RNase, Pyrogen free and autoclavable. CAPP offers also PCR 96-well plates with wells of 0.2 mL. See below the features of CAPP Expell 0.2 mL RNase free PCR tubes.

Both Expell 0.1 and 0.2 mL tubes are available as PCR strip tubes, without caps or as PCR strip tubes with attached caps. The open PCR strip tubes can be covered by the strip of 8 flat caps, suitable both for the volume of 0.1 and 0.2 mL (product number 5100211C). The 8-tube strips of CAPP fit the majority of thermocyclers on the market and thanks to their ultimate transparency, are particularly recommended for applications where optical qPCR signal is obtained through the bottom of the tubes.

CAPP offers non-skirted PCR plates in the format of 96 well. Expell PCR plates are autoclavable and highly transparent, making them especially optimal for applications where the optical qPCR signal comes from the bottom of the plate. DNA, DNase, RNA, RNase and Pyrogen free PCR plates of CAPP are compatible with the majority of thermocyclers. CAPP PCR 96-well plates are available as low profile PCR plates with 0.1 mL wells and as regular profile plates with 0.2 mL well capacity. The non-skirted PCR plates can be easily cut into 16, 24, 32 or 48-well pieces. Expell PCR 96-well plates have low-binding interior, reducing the adhesion of proteins to the very minimum.

Cat. No. Description
5100200C ExpellPlus PCR tubes 0.2mL, low-binding, bag, 20×1000 pcs.
5100201C Expell PCR tubes, 0.2mL, bag, 20x1000pcs.
5100205C Expell PCR tubes 0.2mL, bag, pre-sterile 20×1000 pcs.
5100210C Expell PCR strips of 8 tubes 0.2mL, bag, 20×120 pcs.
5100212C Expell PCR strips of 8 tubes w/ single attached caps 0.2mL, 8×120 pcs.
5100213C Expell PCR plate of 96 x 0.2mL, 8x 25 pcs., non-skirted
5100214C Expell PCR plate of 96 x 0.2mL, 8x 25 pcs., frosted, sub-skirted (for ABI cyclers)
5100216C Expell PCR plate of 96 x 0.1/0.2mL, 8x 25 pcs., clear, fully skirted
5100217C Expell PCR 8-strip and separate optical caps 0.2mL 5x10x12 pcs.
5100218C Expell PCR 8-strip, white, and separate optical caps 0.2mL, 5x10x12 pcs.
5100219C Expell PCR 96-well plate, clear, non-skirted, 0.2mL 5x5x10 pcs.
5100220C Expell PCR 96-well plate, clear, sub-skirted, 0.2mL 5x5x10 pcs.
5100221C Expell PCR 96-well plate, clear, semi-skirted, 0.2mL 5x5x10 pcs.
5100221C Expell PCR 96-well plate, clear, semi-skirted, 0.2mL 5x5x10 pcs.
5100400C Expell PCR Optical Disposable Adhesive, bag of 100 pcs.
5100401C Expell PCR 96-well plate sealing membrane, sticky adhesive, 10×10 pcs.
5100402C Expell PCR 96-well optical sealing membrane, sticky adhesive, 10×10 pcs. (similar to Bio-Rad MSB-1001)
5100403C Expell PCR 96-well aluminium sealing membrane, sticky adhesive, 10×10 pcs.
5100450C Shell frame grid 96 x 0.2mL for ABI cycler, 8×24 pcs.
5100451C Rigid shell frame grid 96 x 0.2mL for ABI cycler, 1 pc.
5100452C Tube and 8-strip decaping tool, 15×1 pc.
Capp – The Expell 0.2 mL PCR tube – Produktblad
Produktkatalog – Consumables CAPP


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