Centrifuge 5425R Kylcentrifuger

Centrifuge 5425 R Kylcentrifuger

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Centrifuge 5425R Kylcentrifuger

The new 24-place Eppendorf Centrifuge 5425 R comes with an outstanding cooling system, 6 rotors, a max. speed of 21,300 × g and an ergonomic operation, making it the new favorite choice on the lab bench for the separation of temperature-sensitive samples from 0.2 – 5 mL.

The new Centrifuge 5425 R is the successor to the popular Centrifuge 5424 R and brings, in addition to everything you already loved about it, additional new rotors and functions that will make your everyday work even more pleasant. Choose whether you want rotary knobs or keypad version.
Its improved cooling system ensures optimal separation results and reliable cooling at 4 °C even at maximum rotor speed. Thanks to the short pre-cooling time of only 8 minutes (~21 °C to 4 °C), the centrifuge is ready to use in no time. 
Soft-touch, one-finger closure for ergonomic lid lockingCentrifuge 5425 R
The 6 different rotors now cover an even wider range of applications, including molecular biology applications such as DNA/RNA or protein purification in 1.5 or 2.0 mL tubes or spin columns, pelleting of bacteria, yeast and cell cultures in 5 mL tubes, and microvolume protocols such as pre/post PCR and qPCR setups in 0.2 mL tubes, 8-well strips or divisible 96-well plates.Centrifuge 5425 R

Eppendorf Kit rotor® (F-45-18-11-Kit) for 18 x spin columns and 1.5/2.0 mL tubes (max. 18,565 x g)

This unique rotor offers a solution for a common problem when working with MiniPrep spin column kits: open tube lids that shear off during the elution step. This problem traditionally occurs because standard rotors do not provide enough support for open tube lids during centrifugation. The Eppendorf Kit rotor is designed with an extended rim that serves as a rest for tube caps during centrifugation and protects them from shearing off. Your tube lids will not tear off anymore.

Centrifuge 5425 R

Rotor FA-10×5 for 10 x 5.0 mL Eppendorf Tubes (max. 21,300 x g)

Harvesting of bacteria, yeast or cell culture in Eppendorf Tubes® 5.0 mL, as well as the purification of DNA/RNA and plasmid DNA, becomes so easy with this rotor. The adapters which are additionally available also allow the centrifugation of 1.5/2 mL tubes as well as HPLC and Cryo tubes without even changing the rotor.

Centrifuge 5425 R

5425 R
Max. RCF 21,300 × g
Max. capacity 10 × 5.0 mL
Rotors available 6
Acceleration time1 15 s
Deceleration time1 15 s
Display large, brightly lit LCD
Timer 10 s to 9:59 h, with continuous run function
Noise level < 54 dB(A)
Volume range 50 mL
Power supply 230 V, 50 – 60 Hz
Max. power consumption 360 W
Dimensions (W × D × H) 29 × 48 × 26 cm / 11.42 × 18.90 × 10.24 in
Height (with open lid) 50.8 cm / 20.0 in
Weight w/o accessories 21.0 kg / 46.3 lb
Cooling refrigerated
1Acceleration and deceleration times may vary depending on rotor, load and voltage version.
Brochure – I Keep Cool in Tough Situations, So Do My Samples.
 Eppendorf produktkatalog


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