Paulson-international – Produkter och Service


Established in 1947, Paulson Manufacturing, located in Temecula, California, USA initially provided safety goggles for motor sports. Meanwhile, Paulson Manufacturing develops, manufactures and distributes for 70 years Industrial, Fire and Tactical Personal Protection Equipment (PPE), protecting industry, fire fighting, military, police and penitentiary personnel worldwide.

Since 2004, Paulson International, the international sales entity of Paulson Manufacturing, distributes these high quality products to the entire world by a globally acting network of authorized distributors.

Meanwhile, Paulson International, is represented in 80 countries with 150 authorized distributors. The headquarter and warehouse of Paulson International is located in Frankfurt, Germany.

All products are tested and certified according to US American, European and International standards such as ANSI Z87.1 and EN 166.

Paulson Manufacturing is ISO 9001:2008 certified by adopting the Total Quality Management System (TQM) for the Design, Manufacture and Distribution of Safety Products.

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