Arctiko Cryovials®

Arctiko Cryovials®

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Arctiko Cryovials®

Arctiko’s Cryovials combined with the innovative 10×10 Cryoboxes, makes it possible to store 100 pcs in only one box without any extra costs involved.

Item code:

Arctiko Cryovials is uniquly desgined with external threads for safe short- and long-term storage. The cryovials are constructed of high quality special formulated polypropylane which makes the Arctiko cryovials highly resistant and able to withstand temperatures of -196 °C to 121 °C. Arctiko’s Cryovials combined with the innovative 10×10 Cryoboxes, makes it possible to store 100 pcs in only one box without any extra costs involved. Compared with the conventional box, you will get room for 19 more samples without having to compromise with the space.

Benefit of Arctiko Slim Cryovials 


23 % more samples with Arctiko Cryovials. Arctiko Cryovials designed for storing biological material, human or animal cells at temperatures as low as -150°C

  • 100% leak proof cap
  • Slim design with external thread invented for storage in 10×10 boxes – 12 mm external diameter
  • Selfstanding star-foot with anti-rotating bottom and compatible with various working stations
  • Special formulated polypropylene which makes it a highly resistant and withstands temperatures of -196 °C to 121 °C
  • The external thread will limit sample contamination due to the tigth closing
  • Smart and uniquely designed lid allowing easy tigthing and removal of lid with only half a rotaion
  • Star-foot grib for easy and safe removal and fitting of the lid


Arctiko’s cryovials are designed and manurfacured in Denmark ensuring the best possible quality

  • Quality tested
  • Produced according to GMP guidelines in a cleanroom
  • Rnase-free, Dnase-free & Pyrogen-free
  • DNA, RNA & ATP-free
  • Sterilized after ISO 11137-2:2013
  • Sterility Assurance Level (SAL) by standard products 10-6 according to DIN EN ISO 11137
  • 5 years from date of sterilization – As long as the packaging remains unopened and free
  • Free from detectable heavy metals, BSE / TSE and cytotoxic substances from visible defect


Arctiko Cryovials®


Arctiko Cryovials® racks_boxes_cryovials



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