epT.I.P.S.® Motion pipette tips
Eppendorf Totally Integrated Pipetting System for Automation
For routine pipetting with the best precision in the industry it is important to have a perfect system of tips and automate. The epT.I.P.S. Motion have been developed to work in perfect combination with our epMotion platform.
Automated pipetting processes place high demands on the design and material of pipette tips used. Eppendorf has specially designed the epT.I.P.S. Motion for use on the epMotion® 5070, 5073 and 5075 Liquid Handling Workstation. epT.I.P.S. Motion pipette tips, with and without filters, developed in torsion-resistant, clean racks.High-precision manufacturing guarantees a perfect fit and extremely accurate dispensing behavior. What’s more, the tips are optimized for simple automatic ejection in the Liquid Handling Workstation collection vessel. epT.I.P.S. Motion can also be integrated into the workstation as a refilling system.
Packaged in contamination-free racks, epT.I.P.S. Motion pipette tips are available in the following purity grades: standard Eppendorf Quality, PCR clean, Sterile, PCR clean and Sterile.
epT.I.P.S.® Motion pipette tips
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